2016 Warsaw EUDC
Round Motion Infoslide 1 TH regrets the rise of social media as a primary source of news distribution 2 TH supports Barack Obama’s statements that emphasise African- Americans taking individual

2020 Astana EUDC
2020 European Universities Debating Championship will take place in Astana, Kazahstan. This is the first time that EUDC will be in Astana or Kazahstan. If you would like to folow

2019 Athens EUDC
Round Motion Infoslide 1 THBT Greece should introduce significant financial incentives for companies and individuals currently based in Athens* to relocate to other Greek cities *Over a third of the

EUDC 2018 Novi Sad – Serbia
The EUDC in 2018 was first planned to be held in Edinburgh, but was later changed to Novi Sad, Serbia. If you want to follow them on Facebook while it is

EUDC 2017 Tallinn motions
Round 1: This house believes that the US should ban extremist groups (e.g. the KKK and neo-Nazi groups) Round 2: This house believes that the WTO should allow developing countries

EUDC 2015 Vienna motions
Round 1: This House pay all elected politicians the median wage in their country.Round 2: This House believes that when multi-national corporations conduct any business in Western states, these nations

EUDC Zagreb 2014
The European Universities Debating Championship 2014 are taking place in Zagreb right now. Here are the motions up to round 5, more will be added as they are announced. Round
Australs motions
University of Queensland Australs 2005
Buddle Findlay Vic Australs 2006
UT Mara Australs 2007
Monash Australs 2009
Auckland Australs 2010 motions
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WUDC 2020 Thailand motions
These are the motions that were debated at the world universities debating championship that took place in Thailand WUDC 2020. The motions were very varied and covered topics from the

WUDC 2019 Cape Town
The next Worlds Universities Debating Championship (WUDC 2019) will be held in Cape Town in December 2018. It will be hosted by the University of Cape Town Debating Union. When we

WUDC 2018 – Mexico
The Worlds Universities Debating Championship 2018 is hosted by Mexico this year. The tournament will start on the 27th December 2017 and will end on the 4th of January, with
Best debate training lectures
Lecture on Points of information in debate – Sarina Selleck
This is a lecture, delivered by Sarina Selleck at the North America Debate Academy 2013, recorded by Alfred Tuna Snider. Today I’m going to talk to you about points of
Lecture on debate argumentation
This is a lecture from IDAS 2012, that Filip Dobranić gave on Debate argumentation. This is a transcript of the video, recorded by Tuna. You can watch the video at
Lecture – Public Speaking, Debbie Newman
Debbie is a great debate trainer and she will also join us at the IDAS 2008 so watch, comment and rate the video if you like it. 0/5 (0 Reviews)
Points of information, WDI, Rhydian Morgan
Rhydian Morgan is still in the USA at the World debate institute. This time he is giving a lecture on points of information. Watch it here! 0/5 (0 Reviews) Related
Best debaters use the best e-books
United Asian Debating Championship Motions

Vitenam UADC 2019 motions
Round1: THBT all decisions about children’s health should be made by medical professionals and not their parentsTHW ban all marketing for sugary products including but not limited to all advertising

Bali UADC 2015
Round 1: Development This house believes that development aid should be made conditional on poor countries aggressively pursuing population control In the pursuit of promoting development, This house believes that

UADC 2010 motions
Round 0: BAN THW ban websites that do your assignments for you THBT governments should totally ban smoking THW ban hymen reconstruction surgery Round 1: RELIGION THBT the right to

UADC Manila 2013 Motions
The 2013 United Asian Debating Championships were held by University of the Philippines Diliman and Ateneo de Manila University. The winners of the Championships were from University of the Philippines Diliman. Here
Blast from the past

UDP Open 2019
This was a debate tournament in the British Parliamentary debate format, the UDP Open 2019 was held (or started on) 2/2/2019. I tried to write down all the motions from

The Karachi Cup 2019
This was a debate tournament in the British Parliamentary debate format, the The Karachi Cup 2019 was held (or started on) 9/20/2019. I tried to write down all the motions

Cornell Novice Nationals 2019 & Cornell IV 2019
This was a debate tournament in the British Parliamentary debate format, the Cornell Novice Nationals 2019 & Cornell IV 2019 was held (or started on) 2/9/2019. I tried to write