HWS Round Robin 2018
This was a debate tournament in the British Parliamentary debate format, the HWS Round Robin 2018 was held (or started on) 12/1/2019. I tried to write down all the motions from all the rounds, but if any of them are missing or are wrong, please contact me and I will change them.
Here are the motions:
Round 1: This house believes that the criminal justice system should not consider retribution as a factor in sentencing.
Round 2: This house prefers a world in which universities charged tuition based on student earnings after graduation.
Round 3: This house believes that governments should prioritize the economic improvement of minority communities over the preservation of their culture.
Round 4: This house prefers a world in which, upon childhood, all people intuitively come to know their natural expiration date.
Round 5: When responding to civilian casualties, this house believes that the military action taken does not have to meet the principle of proportionality.
Open Final Motion: This house believes that the interests of the Chinese people would be better served by a peaceful transition into a democracy, rather than a continuation of one party rule.
Round 1: This House regrets the decline of the humanities in higher education.
Round 1: This house regrets the decline of the humanities in higher education. Information Slide: In academic settings, “the humanities” is contrasted with the study of natural sciences, social sciences, and professional training. Core fields in the humanities include: literature, philosophy, history, religion, art, etc.
Round 2: This House supports laws that protect the health of fetuses (whose mothers intend to carry them to term).
Round 2: This house supports laws that protect the health of fetuses (whose mothers intend to carry them to term).
Round 3: In the event that current talks produce a compromise Brexit deal, This House Would put it to a referendum with “remain” as an alternative.
Round 3: In the event that current talks produce a compromise Brexit deal, this house would put it to a referendum, with “remain” as the alternative
Round 4: This House would take a pill that permanently made one contented with one’s current life situation.
Round 4: This house would take a pill that permanently made one entirely contented with one’s current life situation.
Round 5: This House Opposes the centrality of sport to national identity
Round 5: This house opposes the centrality of sport to national identity.
Open Final Motion: This House believes that the Black Lives Matter movement should embrace open carry gun laws and engage in armed community patrols.
Open Final Motion: This house believes that the Black Lives Matter movement should embrace open carry gun laws and engage in armed community patrols. Info Slide: The Black Panthers began as a group of black citizens in Oakland, California who engaged in armed patrols of the city streets, specifically focusing on observing police behavior and arrests. In response, California enacted much stricter gun control legislation.

Hey, my name is Peter and I’m the author of this website and all the content on this page. I have been a debater, a debate trainer, debate tournament organizer and everything else with a debate prefix for more than 10 years and I’ve seen it all. I want to help everyone to be a better debater and if you want to help too, please let me know. Keep on debating!