UADC MMU 2012 Motions!
The 2012 United Asian Debating Championships were held by Multimedia University and won by a team from Nanyang Technological University. If you are looking for motions from this tournament, this is the place. Here we go, and don’t forget to like this article!
Round 1 (Eminem & Dr. Dre – I Need a Doctor)
THBT those on organ transplant waiting lists should be prioritised according to lifestyle choices
THW disallow individuals below a certain income level from participating in clinical trials
THBT, in the event of life-threatening illnesses, medical decisions should be made by their doctors and not their parents
Round 2 (Survivor – Eye of the Tiger)
THW mandate equal primetime coverage for men’s and women’s sports
THW ban all sports that define winning as inflicting pain or glorifying its simulation
THBT companies that promote unhealthy lifestyles should be disallowed from sponsoring sporting events
Round 3 (Jay-Z & Mr. Hudson – Forever Young)
THW forcefully reallocate talent and resources from all the top educational institutions (primary, secondary and tertiary) to those at the bottom
THW require universities to share the burden in repaying the loans of their graduates if they are unable to find employment
THW abolish unpaid internships
Round 4 (Neil Young – This Land Is My Land)
THW exempt indigenous communities from laws relating to environmental protection
THW actively and forcefully reverse transmigration policies instituted by former dictators or colonial masters
THBT tribal law should have jurisdiction over all crimes committed on tribal land, regardless of who the perpetrator is
Round 5 (Star Wars Imperial March)
THBT the ASEAN should have a defense pact stipulating that any attempt by China to occupy the South China Sea islands will be met with military force
THW ban the use of unmanned combat vehicles (i.e. drones) in combat operations
THBT the United States should adopt a policy that in the event Israel launches any attack on Iran, the U.S. will withdraw all military support to it
Round 6 (Rihanna & Eminem – Love the Way You Lie)
THBT liberal states with sexually conservative communities should subsidise hymen reconstruction surgery
THBT the feminist movement should condemn celebrities (like Rihanna) who choose to continue to pursue a personal relationship with abusive partners
THBT the French government should repeal the ban on the burqa
Round 7 (Sister Sledge – We Are Family)
THW legalise polygamy
THBT state welfare should only subsidise families up to a certain size
THBT liberals have a moral duty to abstain from marriage until gay marriage is legalised
Round 8 (Diana King – I Say a Little Prayer for You)
THBT religions should be held liable for making curative claims on illnesses if an individual refuses to seek life-saving medical treatment
THW ban proselytizing in prisons
THW ban gay conversion therapy
Open Octofinals
THW cap the number of patents that a corporation can simultaneously hold
THBT corporations only have a duty to their shareholders
THBT victims of environmental abuses by foreign companies should be allowed to hold them liable in the company’s country of origin
EFL Semifinals
THW disallow plea-bargaining in criminal trials
THW make sexual harassment a criminal offense instead of a civil suit
THW elect judges
Open Quarterfinals
Assuming that the technology to predict crime to a very high probability exists, THW use it to preemptively arrest individuals for their potential involvement
Assuming it is possible to do so, THW identify and abort foetuses that will demonstrate sociopathic tendencies in later life
Assuming it is possible to do so, THW permanently alter the minds of violent criminals
Open Semifinals
THW ban associates of deposed dictators from contesting elections
THW reserve seats in legislatures for individuals from lower-income groups
THW grant non-transient migrants the right to vote
EFL Grand Final
THBT contracts for projects funded by development aid or loans should be awarded exclusively to domestic companies in the recipient nation
THBT non-democratic regimes are better at achieving economic goals
THS the use of child labour developing countries
Open Grand Final
THBT former colonial masters have a responsibility to restore stability in their former colonies that descend into conflict
THBT the international community should form a coalition of the willing and intervene in Syria with or without United Nations approval
THBT humanitarian aid does more harm than good in active conflict zones
Did you attend this championship? Please share your experience with us!

Hey, my name is Peter and I’m the author of this website and all the content on this page. I have been a debater, a debate trainer, debate tournament organizer and everything else with a debate prefix for more than 10 years and I’ve seen it all. I want to help everyone to be a better debater and if you want to help too, please let me know. Keep on debating!