ASDC 2013 Motions
Motions from the ASDC debate tournamen in the Asian parliamentary debate format
Round 1: Politics and governance
THW make the salary of politicians equal to the per capita income of the country
THBT believes that corporations should not be allowed to contribute to campaigns
THW prefer a technocratic autocracy over a populist democracy
Round 2: Religion
THW compel religious adoption agencies to accept capable LGBT parents
THBT Free Speech should include the right to offend religions
THW remove all legal and economic privileges granted to religious organizations
Round 3: Finance and Economics
THW break up the big banks
THBT home countries should not penalize is citizens/corporations for bribery in foreign states
THBT multinational corporations have a duty to maintain a strong presence (majority of their industry) in their home countries
Round 4: parents and children
THBT parents should be given access to all password of their children’s social networking accounts
THW pay teenagers/young individuals who do not get pregnant/impregnate before they graduate
THW prevent parents from religiously indoctrinating their children
Round 5: Rights
THW force feed prisoners who go on Hunger strikes
THBT welfare benefits should be contingent upon a drug test
THW allow workers to sell their rights
Round 6: What ifs
In the face of Armageddon, THW fill the last boat (the last boat will survive) with seriously ill people instead of criminals
Assuming we had the technology to detect homosexual genes, THW allow individuals to abort their gay fetuses
THBT the government should actively invest in human beings to attain “Marvel Comic” powers
Round 7: IR
TH supports the disbandment of the EU
THBT it’s high time for Palestine to absolutely lay down its arms in its quest for independence
THBT the ICC should prosecute crimes against democracy (i.e. Massive electoral fraud and vote rigging, vote buying, suppression of the opposition, etc.)
Open Octo Final: Education
THW abolish affirmative action criteria based on gender/ethnicity in university admissions
THW stream (put them in one class) students based on their academic performance
TH actively supports the move towards online degrees
Open Quarter Final and Novice Semi Final: Environment
THBT environmentalists should exaggerate the effects of global warming
THW subject the conviction or acquittal of environmental terrorists to a referendum
THW prohibit developed nations from dumping toxic waste in developing nations
Open Semi Final: War
THBT it should be the legal obligation of invading countries to pay for the reconstruction of occupied nations
THW launch a full military invasion against North Korea
THW try its citizens who commit acts of terrorism as enemy combatants
Novice Grand Final: Media and the arts
THW rewrite Disney stories to account for political correctness
THR the Hollywoodization of independent films (Hollywoodization: when Hollywood buys the rights over these films and when Hollywood actors star in them)
THW prevent journalists from covering mass shootings in detail
Grand Final: Meta-debates
THBT there is no such thing as animal cruelty
THBT humanity is better off without sexual desires
THBT God is nothing but a social construct

Hey, my name is Peter and I’m the author of this website and all the content on this page. I have been a debater, a debate trainer, debate tournament organizer and everything else with a debate prefix for more than 10 years and I’ve seen it all. I want to help everyone to be a better debater and if you want to help too, please let me know. Keep on debating!