Wellington Australs 2012
Here are the debate motions from Australs 2012:
Round 1 Sport
TWS ban eating contests.
That sporting leagues should never suspend players for off field behaviour.
That developing nations should not host international sporting events.
Round 2 Sin
That the government should not receive any revenue from gambling beyond standard taxation.
TWS require individuals to disclose that they carry STIs even if protection is used.
That individuals should be required to pass drug tests in order to receive welfare benefits.
Round 3 Ethics
TWS grant higher-level primates more rights than other animals.
That doctors should be required to perform medical procedures even when it conflicts with their beliefs.
That employers should be allowed to discriminate on lifestyle factors (such as smoking and obesity) when hiring.
Round 4 Growing Threats
That NATO should invite former Eastern Bloc states to be members.
That the UN should establish a standing military force.
That the US should impose retaliatory tariffs on China for currency manipulation.
Round 5 Food
That the state should provide incentives for individuals to grow their own produce and buy locally.
TWS adopt a vegetarian diet.
TWS celebrate the growth of the fat pride movement.
Round 6 Politics
That developing nations should prohibit families of current or former politicians from running for office.
TWS make voting mandatory.
TWS ban all political campaign contributions.
Round 7 Economics
TWS introduce a tax on financial transations.
That EU should create a common fiscal authority.
That governments should not fund reconstruction in areas that are prone to natural disasters.
Round 8 Law
That where gay marriage is legal, religious institutions should be forced to conduct marriage ceremonies for gays.
TWS force victims of domestic violence to testify in court.
TWS criminalise prostitution.
Octos Motions
TWS repeal the individual mandate for healthcare in the
TWS set term limits for US Supreme Court justices.
That the US should declare an amnesty for all illegal immigrants.
Quarters Motions
That the death of print media is bad for journalism
That law enforcement should turn a blind eye to drug use and sale in designated areas.
That families whose children perform well in school should receive bonus welfare payments
ESL Semi Motions
That media outlets should be allowed to report on the details of suicides.
That the media should not report on the private lives of politicians.
That there should be a minimum Body Mass Index (BMI) for women on television
Semi Final Motions
That we should have a one state solution for Israel and Palestine
That the West should suppress pro-democracy movements which are against the West’s strategic interests
That we should only grant amnesty to dictators at the conclusion of conflicts
Final Motion
That we should introduce good samaritan laws
That we should introduce a system of school vouchers
That the state should stop subsidising monogamous relationships.

Hey, my name is Peter and I’m the author of this website and all the content on this page. I have been a debater, a debate trainer, debate tournament organizer and everything else with a debate prefix for more than 10 years and I’ve seen it all. I want to help everyone to be a better debater and if you want to help too, please let me know. Keep on debating!