UADC Manila 2013 Motions
The 2013 United Asian Debating Championships were held by University of the Philippines Diliman and Ateneo de Manila University. The winners of the Championships were from University of the Philippines Diliman. Here are the motions from the tournament:
Round 1: Education
THBT academic researchers should restrict public access to their research that has not undergone peer review.
THW make public universities free.
THW require all public servants to send their children to public school.
Round 2: If I Were A Doctor…
As far as they are able to, THBT doctors have an obligation to disclose to a patient’s sexual partners that the patient has HIV/AIDS.
THBT doctors should never administer life sustaining treatment to those pronounced brain dead.
THBT doctors should refuse to administer abortions on patients who insist on maintaining a pro-life stance.
Round 3: Mind Your Own Business
THW abolish all patents.
THW nationalize any company that is deemed to be too big to fail.
TH supports multinational corporations who outsource their production to countries that have loose labor laws.
Round 4: Social Networking
THBT social networking sites have done more harm than good for interpersonal interaction.
THBT social networks like Grindr should not allow users to prevent their profiles from being searched by members of a specific race.
TH condemns dating sites like Ashley Madison that are targeted at people in relationships looking to have an affair.
Round 5: Gender
THW require all employees to take the same amount of leave and work the same number of hours that their average female colleague with a child does.
Regardless of parental consent, THW fund gender reassignment surgery for minors.
THBT homosexual movement should out homosexuals they know to be in the closet.
Round 6: Crime and Punishment
TH supports the indefinite detention of individuals in the interest of public safety.
THBT justice should involve no consideration for retribution and focus on rehabilitation instead.
THW ban proselytizing (to induce someone to convert to one’s faith) in prisons.
Round 7: Environment
THW not cut funding to research that seeks to deal with climate change, even in the wake of austerity.
THW stop searching for new sources of oil.
THW stop preventing the worsening of climate change and focus on adapting to its consequences instead.
Round 8: Democracy
TH prefers a system of proportional representation to first-past-the-post voting.
TH supports parties who choose their policy positions on bills being voted on in the legislature through an online vote by their constituents.
THBT majority of the members of the legislature should be chosen from a socially representative random draw from the general population.
Octo Final: Geopolitics and Conflict
In post-conflict societies, THW stop collecting and destroy all information regarding the ethnic and religious identities of its citizens.
For as long as Israel occupies Palestinian territories, TH supports an academic boycott of Israel.
THBT journalists should not use deception to gain access to rogue states or conflict zones.
Open Quarter Final and EFL Pre-mi Final: Economics
THW not tax investment income.
THBT governments should balance their budgets unless they secure consent to the contrary from young voters via referenda.
TH supports the wider use of alternative, non-centralized currencies such as BitCoin.
Open Semi Final and EFL Semi Final: Discourse
TH regrets individualism as the dominant conception of morality in contemporary liberal discourse.
THBT political correctness’ gain is discourse’s loss.
TH regrets the state’s monopoly over historical narratives.
EFL Grand Final: Socio Legal
THW abolish welfare services for the poor and give them the equivalent in cash instead.
THBT spouses with no employment income should be entitled to a significant portion of their partner’s wages/salary.
THW have affirmative action for the ugly.
Open Grand Final: Social Justice
THBT all children should be surrendered to the state’s care upon birth.
THW cap the number of years a person can own land.
THW ban inheritance.

Hey, my name is Peter and I’m the author of this website and all the content on this page. I have been a debater, a debate trainer, debate tournament organizer and everything else with a debate prefix for more than 10 years and I’ve seen it all. I want to help everyone to be a better debater and if you want to help too, please let me know. Keep on debating!