Motions for the XIII NLS India Debate
Main Finals – This house prefers a world without Facebook.
Novice Finals – This house prefers a world with only one language.
Main Semifinals – This house believes that Singapore should “de-stalinize” Lee Kuan Yew.
Novice Semifinals – This house believes that states should de-institutionalize marriage.
Quarterfinals – This house believes that martyrdom does more harm than good.
Octofinals – Technology and Ethics
This house would not permit manufacturers of consumer goods (such as mobile phones, music players, televisions, etc.) to create products that compete with or substitute older versions more than once in five years.
This house would not send individuals to go on a one-way trip to Mars.
This house would halt all further mechanization of labor.
(Note: The tournament has a history of setting only one motion during the break rounds, which we followed except for Octofinals)
Round 1 – Morality / Philosophy
This house regrets the idea of popular stories for children always having a happy ending.
This house would put a cap on the number of years a person can live.
This house would use human shields.
Round 2 – University
This house regrets the disciplinary jurisdiction of Universities over cases of sexual harassment.
This house would exempt universities from censorboard regulations on release/telecast of dramas and movies.
This house regrets anti-fraternization culture between students and teachers.
Round 3 – Sports
This house believes that the Indian cricket team should adopt the South African policy (which mandates playing 4 players belonging to religious/social minorities).
This house would make Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) a public company.
This house believes that the Olympics should recognize videogames as a sport.
Round 4 – Free Speech and Expression
This house believes that an exercise of free speech should not be required to show ‘redeeming value’.
This house believes that states should uphold the ‘Heckler’s Veto’ (the suppression of speech by the government, because of the possibility of a violent reaction by third parties).
*3rd motion to follow*
Round 5 – International Politics
This house would allow Iran to develop its civilian nuclear program in exchange for using its troops to battle ISIS.
This house believes that war memorials dedicated to depicting the losses incurred by the losing side should be set up in the capital cities of the victors.
This house believes that the US should accept the offer to become a signatory to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Round 6 – Feminism
This house, as the feminist movement, would celebrate the choice of women to not procreate.
This house, as liberal feminists, will vocally denounce the notion of embracing sexual appeal as a means of empowerment.
This house believes that India’s Daughter should have been aired in Doordarshan/All India Radio.

Hey, my name is Peter and I’m the author of this website and all the content on this page. I have been a debater, a debate trainer, debate tournament organizer and everything else with a debate prefix for more than 10 years and I’ve seen it all. I want to help everyone to be a better debater and if you want to help too, please let me know. Keep on debating!