2019 Athens EUDC
Round | Motion | Infoslide |
1 | THBT Greece should introduce significant financial incentives for companies and individuals currently based in Athens* to relocate to other Greek cities *Over a third of the Greek population lives in Athens. | |
2 | THBT it is in the interest of the Chinese Communist Party to cease attempts to infringe on “One Country, Two Systems” in Hong Kong, rather than continuing its current approach. | |
3 | THW encourage women to be selfish | |
4 | THBT it is in the interest of dominant organised religions for their leaders to declare more progressive interpretations of traditional dogma* *e.g. on dietary and pilgrimage requirements, the acceptability of contraception, same-sex relationships | |
5 | THBT consumers should predominantly aim to buy locally produced goods and services | |
6 | THW break up Disney | The Walt Disney Company owns Pixar, Marvel Studios, Lucasfilm, 20th Century Fox, ABC and dozens of other studios, media networks, amusement parks and merchandising rights. |
7 | THBT schools should teach children to be skeptical of parental authority | |
8 | In circumstances where a unanimous decision is currently required, THP majority voting as the European Council’s decision-making approach | In matters of high sensitivity and complexity, the European Council requires unanimous decision-making. These matters include, but are not limited to foreign policy decisions, granting new rights to EU citizens and suspending the rights of current member states. |
9 | THW make police commanders personally criminally liable for instances of police brutality committed by their subordinates | |
ESL_Quarters | In situations where deliberate economic policies by another state have caused substantial economic harms, THBT international law should recognise that military retaliation can be justified | Substantial economic harms: e.g. restricting access to important trade routes on straits, aggressively increasing the price of vital commodities, limiting access to strategic resources |
ESL_Semis | THBT the US Democratic Party should prioritise employment issues, even at the expense of significant harms to the environment. | |
ESL_Finals | TH Opposes the Defining Decade norm | The ‘Defining Decade’ is a cultural norm which urges young adults to persistently pursue life goals, even at the expense of significantly neglecting immediate desires. As part of this approach it is common to seek to maximise educational value from most activities, seek more responsibility at work, seek instrumental value from social relationships, and stigmatise idle time. |
Open_Octos | THBT local governments in developing countries should allocate significant portions of their budget via Participatory Budgeting | Participatory Budgeting is a process in which ordinary civilians decide how to allocate part of a municipal or local public budget. Citizens propose and prioritise spending projects within a predefined amount of funding, and the government is bound by the decisions they made, e.g. local transportation projects, subsidies and educational and cultural programs. |
Open_Quarters | THBT it is in the interest of the Kremlin to take measures to reduce Russian dependency of China (e.g. limit the selling of raw materials to China, reduce the share of Yuan in Russia’s currency reserves, not allowing Chinese companies to develop strategic infrastructure such as 5G in Russia) | |
Open_Semis | THBT communities that have been victims of atrocities should emphasise the narrative of the ‘banality of evil’ when interpreting those atrocities | The concept of the ‘banality of evil’ claims that great acts of evil can be committed by ordinary individuals within a bureaucracy. Under this theory, most perpetrators of great evil are ordinary people, with no motive for their actions other than promoting their own advancement in the system. |
Open_Final | THBT the Greek government should have rejected the 2015 bailout deal and sought to negotiate further concessions, even at the risk of not receiving a bailout. |

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