Chennai WUDC 2014 tab – results
One of the biggest problems of this WUDC in 2014 is that the tab has still not been released, and it is allready the 5th of january.
Ok, after all the problems, here is the tab. You can download it and check all the results. Click here. I’m not going to post all the results here, because the .xls can be much better. But still, some results need to be posted, so here we go:
The World Champions in the Open category,
Harvard A – Ben Sprung-Keyser, left, and Josh Zoffer
© Henrik Maedler // Chennai WUDC 2014
Harvard A (Josh Zoffer and Ben Sprung-Keyser)
Sydney Union B
Best speaker of Open: Eleanor Jones (Sydney B)
Champion: Berlin A (Dessislava Kirova and Kai Dittmann)
The World Champions in the ESL category,
Berlin Debating Union A – Dessislava Kirova (left)
and Kai Dittmann
© Henrik Maedler // Chennai WUDC 2014
Finalist:Luna A
Babes-Bolyai A
Belgrade B
Best Speaker of ESL: Mubarrat Wassey (IIUM A)
Bandung A (Vicario Reinaldo and Fauzan Reza Maulana)
Tubingen A
Warsaw Debate A
New Economic School A
Best Speaker of the Tournament: Helena Ivanov (Belgrade B)
The World Champions in the EFL category,
Bandung A – Fauzan Reza Maulana (left)
and Vicario Reinaldo
© Henrik Maedler // Chennai WUDC 2014
Champion: Nizamate of Hyderabad (James Torrance and Jordan Anderson)

Hey, my name is Peter and I’m the author of this website and all the content on this page. I have been a debater, a debate trainer, debate tournament organizer and everything else with a debate prefix for more than 10 years and I’ve seen it all. I want to help everyone to be a better debater and if you want to help too, please let me know. Keep on debating!