Results of Northeast Asian Open 2008
To the international debating community
The organizing committee would like to thank everyone who took part inthe first international tournament in Japan.{mosloadposition user9}
We would like to thank all the teams that participated in theelimination rounds. Moreover, we would like to recognize the championsof this year¡Çs NEAO, ICU 3 (Akira Kohbara, Satomi Hemmi, Keigo Okada),and the finalist, EDiS (In Young Park, Doh Hee Roh, Hannah Kim). ICU 3won against EDiS in a unanimous 9-0 decision. What is significantabout this year¡Çs winner is that ICU is the first institution outsideKorea to win this tournament.
The breaking teams for the main bracket are as follows:1. UIC 22. EDiS3. HDS 24. Tsuda5. UIC 16. SKKU7. DAE 18. ICU 3
ICU 1 was supposed to break but was not announced due to a balloterror. The committee deeply apologizes to the members of ICU 1 for this.
In the quarter-finals, ICU 3 defeated UIC2, EDiS defeated DAE 1, SKKUdefeated HDS 2, UIC 1 defeated Tsuda.
In the semi-finals, ICU 3 defeated UIC 1, and EDiS defeated SKKU.
The EFL finalists were Seikei A and Wenzao 1. Wenzao 1 defeated Seikeiwith a 3-0 decision, making them the EFL winners.
Again, congratulations to all teams that broke!
The top ten speakers on the tab were:
1. Shoko Furui (AGU 2)
1. Wonjoon Jang (UIC 1)
1. Tzu-Chien Yen (Wenzao 1)
4. Kotono Maekawa (AGU 2)
4. Kang Min Lee (SKKU)
4. Sumi Park (UIC 2)
7. Satomi Hemmi (ICU 3)
7. Hyewon Hetty Rho (Korea 3)
7. Junghwan Jeon (UIC 1)
10. Miyuki Nozu (ICU 1)
10. Nayoung Song (UIC 2)
10. Yejin Moon (UIC 2)
Breaking Adjudicators:
Chihiro Nakagawa, Logan, Jason Jarvis, Isao Ayabe, Tomohisa Ishikawa,Masako, Peter Kipp, Soo Young Cho, Andrew Nishizaki, Sophie Lee, MinHyuk Kim, Rose Chang, Jonathan Borock, Melorina Kamaruddin, Sae-Seul Park

Hey, my name is Peter and I’m the author of this website and all the content on this page. I have been a debater, a debate trainer, debate tournament organizer and everything else with a debate prefix for more than 10 years and I’ve seen it all. I want to help everyone to be a better debater and if you want to help too, please let me know. Keep on debating!