Random themed debate motions

This is a list of debate motions, not from debate tournaments, but they are great to debate. They are themed, so find your theme and pick your motion. If you end up using some, please post in the comments and tell me. 

School & Young People’s Issues
• This House would restrict advertising aimed at children
• This House would abolish school uniforms
• This House would make the teaching of Gaelic compulsory in all Scottish schools
• This House would abolish the school run
• This House would lower the voting age to 16
• This House would extend the school leaving age to 18
• This House would start school later
• This House supports random drugs testing in schools
• This House believes punishment exercises do not work
• This House believes schools should be mobile phone-free zones
• This House would impose a curfew on all teenagers under the age of 16
• This House would ban fatty foods in schools
• This House would make competitive sports compulsory in schools
• This House would replace teachers with computers
• This House would allow parents to smack children
• This House would abolish exams
• This House would abolish homework
• This House believes that single sex schools are better than mixed schools
• This House would rather go to boarding school
• This House would educate disabled children in special schools

• This House would support Scottish independence
• This House would devolve more power to the Scottish Parliament
• This House believes that Scottish MPs should not be allowed to vote on English matters
• This House believes that the Scottish Parliament should have a second chamber United Kingdom Politics
• This House would make voting compulsory
• This House believes ASBOs should be scrapped
• This House would ban blood sports
• This House would abolish the monarchy
• This House would reintroduce fox hunting
• This House would abolish the National Lottery
• This House demands a fully elected House of Lords
• This House would ban extremist political parties

• This House believes that the EU should make English its common language
• This House would join the Euro
• This House would admit Turkey to the European Union
• This House believes nuclear weapons make the World a safer place
• This House would prohibit international adoption
• This House would never go to war

Animal Rights
• This House would ban zoos
• This House would stop experimenting on animals
• This House would ban the wearing of fur
• This House would ban factory farming
• This House believes keeping animals as pets should be banned

• This House believes outsourcing is good for everyone involved
• This House believes Britain should give more money in aid to other countries

• This House believes the Environment must come first
• This House calls for urgent action on Global Warming
• This House would tax goods and services proportionally to the amount of C02 that they generate
• This House supports Government subsidies for non-petrol cars
• This House would make it compulsory for households to use government schemes that collect recyclable rubbish
• This House would introduce road pricing in the UK
• This House believes nuclear power stations are the way forward
• This House would go on holiday in the UK

• This House would make tobacco a Class A drug
• This House would ban smoking
• This House would move to an opt-out system of organ donation
• This House believes healthcare should be delivered entirely by private companies

Law & Order
• This House would put cameras in the courtroom
• This House supports the death penalty
• This House would arm the Police

• This House would censor racist views in the media
• This House believes that there is too much sex and violence on TV

• This House believes thin models are poor role models
• This House would outlaw rap music
• This House would ban Reality TV
• This House would ban beauty contests
• This House would ban violent video games
• This House would ban nuclear weapons
• This House would ban the consumption of alcohol outside the home
• This House would legalise cannabis
• This House would ban Holocaust denial
• This House believes the media should leave celebrities alone
• This House would be vegetarian
• This House believes magazines and newspapers should be forced to feature more normal looking people
• This House would carry an ID card

• This House would invest in the space race
• This House believes Science is a threat to humanity
• This House would clone Human Beings
• This House would allow stem cell research
• This House would allow the teaching of Intelligent Design alongside the theory of Evolution in school Science lessons
• This House believes all farms should be organic
• This House would prohibit space tourism

• This House believes footballers are paid too much
• This House would ban boxing
• This House would ban fishing
• This House believes football clubs should be held responsible for the behaviour of their fans
• This House would ban alcohol advertising in sport
• This House believes you should support your local football team not a famous football team

5/5 (1 Review)

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