Judge test for internal pool
• THBT it was a bad idea to invite Salman Rushdie to the Jaipur Literature Festival
Judge test for external pool
• THW hold social networking websites liable for offensive content posted by their users
Round 1 – The dismal science
• TH is against private sector participation in the management of pension funds
• THBT devaluation of national currencies is a justifiable tool to boost export earnings
• THBT central monetary institutions should be insulated from executive control
Round 2 – The faith factor
• THW no longer impose the requirement of celibacy for Catholic Priests
• THBT the state should offer financial assistance to interfaith couples
• THBT there is nothing wrong with conversion through inducement
Round 3 – Sport
• THBT violent sports involving animals should be prohibited
• THBT players on national teams should not be contractually prevented from participating in profit-driven professional leagues
• THW establish a special tax on high-earning sportspersons to fund the development of sports
Round 4 – Beyond Boundaries (Foreign Affairs)
• THBT the targeted killings of Iranian nuclear scientists is justified
• THBT national governments should not hire foreign lobbying firms to represent their interests
• THBT there is an obligation to repatriate deposed tyrants back to their home countries
Round 5 – Gender and Sexuality
• THW endorse the Slutwalk campaign
• TH supports the idea of paternity leave
• THBT women in developing countries should embrace reproductive tourism
Round 6 –Why this Kolaveri Di? (The ‘frustration’ round)
• THBT school libraries should not stock the Harry Potter series of books
• THW tolerate nudism in beaches and public pools in India
• THW allow all communities to freely use the n-word
Octa-finals and Novice quarters – Love thy neighbours, debate their motions
• THW not arrest fishermen who cross national maritime boundaries
• THW prosecute the perpetrators of the 1971 conflict in Bangladesh
• THBT armies should not be allowed to operate commercial ventures
Quarter-finals and Novice semis – People Power
• THBT constitutions should not be amended without direct citizen participation
• THBT corporations should not be allowed to make political contributions
• THBT democracies should give full voting rights to their diaspora
Semi-Finals and Novice final – Blackboard Jungle
• THW not include class participation as a component of evaluation for taught courses in colleges
• THBT student feedback should be given weightage in decisions about promotions of faculty members
• THBT professional bodies should not be involved in the regulation of higher education in their respective fields
• THBT the Prime Minister of India should be an elected member of the Lok Sabha

Hey, my name is Peter and I’m the author of this website and all the content on this page. I have been a debater, a debate trainer, debate tournament organizer and everything else with a debate prefix for more than 10 years and I’ve seen it all. I want to help everyone to be a better debater and if you want to help too, please let me know. Keep on debating!