WSDC Practice Spars
The debate tournament called “WSDC Practice Spars” was held on the 8/26/2020. You can find all the debate topics that were debated in the tournament in this article. If you are looking for the results, please check the category Other debate tournament results.
Here are the motions:
1 THP a tech industry characterized by multiple smaller firms rather than one dominated by a few large players (e.g. Google Amazon Facebook in status quo)
2 THR the rise of the commercialisation of surrogacy in developing countries
3 THW subsidise companies for the employment of ex-convicts

Hey, my name is Peter and I’m the author of this website and all the content on this page. I have been a debater, a debate trainer, debate tournament organizer and everything else with a debate prefix for more than 10 years and I’ve seen it all. I want to help everyone to be a better debater and if you want to help too, please let me know. Keep on debating!