World Schools Debate Academy June-July 2014 Motions
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Round One: This house believes that the West should actively include Iran in the resolution of the Syrian conflict.
Round Two: This house regrets that Brazil is the host of the football World Cup 2014.
Round Three: This house believes that governments should actively discourage consumerist lifestyles.
Final Round: This house believes that governments should prioritize policies that reduce social inequality over economic growth.
PRACTICE DEBATE MOTIONS – will come from this list
This house would give more votes to citizens according to their performance on a current affairs test.
This house regrets that Western Media demonized Islamist Terrorists rather than portraying them as criminals with legitimate grievances.
This house would ban video games in which the player engages in brutal and immoral violence in a realistic setting.
This house believes that online matchmaking is a better system than traditional dating.
This house would allow internet users to sell their own personal information for profit
This house believes that USA should drop all charges against Edward Snowden
This house believes that in instances where peaceful protests are met with a disproportionately violent state response, protesters should respond violently.
This house believes that a world without organized religion would be a better world.
This house regrets the rise of anti-hero in media.
This house believes that secular governments should actively censor those sections of religious texts that either constitute hate speech or propagate negative attitudes to other religious/ethnic groups.
This house would criminalize the public denial of evolution.
This house would abolish educational track systems in schools.
This house believes that life-extending medical procedures should be denied to the terminally ill.
This house would Prohibit Religious Organisations from Speaking out against Homosexuality.
This house believes that states should take active measures to limit the spread of American pop culture.
This house believes that that developing countries should support commercial surrogacy.
This house will make parents legally responsible for their children’s crimes.
This house believes that crime against animals that are members of an endagered species should be sentenced as if the animal were human.
This house believes that digital communication is more important to humanity than face-to-face contact.
This house would make wearing fur illegal.
This house believes that foster children should be placed into families with similar backgrounds (race, religion, etc)
This house believes that politicians should not have public profiles on twitter and other social networking sites.
This house would eliminate any legal or ethical limitations from the field of genetic research on improving the human body.
This house would give primates (e.g. monkeys) and cetaceans (e.g. dolphins) the same rights to life, freedom from physical harm, and freedom of movement as humans
This house would allow legislation through voter initiated referenda.
This house believes that developing countries should nationalise companies that extract their national resources
This house believes that Iran should not have been excluded from current Geneva negotiations about peace in Syria.
This House would include Iran in negotiations for peace in Siria.
This house regrets that Brazil is the host of the football World Cup 2014
This house supports media censorship during times of political crisis
This house believes that developing countries should nationalise companies that extract their national resources

Hey, my name is Peter and I’m the author of this website and all the content on this page. I have been a debater, a debate trainer, debate tournament organizer and everything else with a debate prefix for more than 10 years and I’ve seen it all. I want to help everyone to be a better debater and if you want to help too, please let me know. Keep on debating!