Seattle IV 2018
Are you looking for the motions that were debated on the Seattle IV 2018 ? It was held on the 12/1/2018. If you were there, please check the motions and tell me if anything is wrong. Also, leave a comment and tell us how did you enjoy the tournament.
Here are the motions:
Round 1 motion: After a speaker has been invited, This House Would allow university students to vote to reject the speaker from coming to campus.
Round 1 motion: This house regrets the rise of the gig economy.
Round 2: This House Believes That LGBT+ Pride campaigns should focus on direct protest rather than celebration
Round 2: This House Believes That it is in the interests of the four central Asian states to establish the CAU. (Infoslide: The Central Asian Union (CAU) was a tentative agreement to establish greater regional cooperation among Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan following the dissolution of the USSR. This included a collective peacekeeping force, closer economic integration (e.g. negotiating as a bloc in international trade agreements, a proposed common currency), and coordinating on foreign policy. The CAU was never fully realized.)
Round 3: This house, as a western democracy, would prefer relations wiThis House a stable autocracy as opposed to an unstable democracy
Round 3: This House Would require sporting teams that recruit internationally to pay recruits to compete in domestic leagues for a period of time before leaving to play abroad.
Round 4: Assuming the technology to significantly alters the body exists (eg, changing memory capacity, limb reinforcements…) This House Would recognize a right to morphological freedom
Round 4: This House Would release the Federal Reserve from the dual mandate. (Infoslide: Since 1977, the US Federal Reserve has operated under a “dual mandate” from Congress to pursue full employment and low inflation. Under traditional macroeconomic theory, there is a tradeoff between these states exemplified in the Phillips Curve. Other central banks have different mandates; e.g., the European Central Bank has a singular focus on price stability.)
Round 5: This house, as an indvidual, W not consume works produced by immoral artists
Round 5: This house would become a scientist. (Infoslide: You are a citizen in a state that issues a mandatory aptitude test. You are not required to pursue a career based on the results of the test. You scored the highest in your country on maThis House and science, you are predicted to be one of the best scientists of your generation. You are also a very talented artist. Your true passion lies in art.)
Round 6: “Many food ethics movements (local foods, slow foods, farm to table) condemn corporate production. Such as Farm to Table (add examples) This House Believes That food ethics movements should disavow sustainable consumption marketed by large corporations (eg, Starbucks, Chipotle)”
Round 6: This house would publicly fund all elections.
Novice final motion: Assuming that no other life existed in the galaxy, This House Would prefer a humanity that collectively expands and colonizes other planets to one that preserves and adapts to the Earth.
The Open Quarter Final motion: s This House Believes That cities should not use investment incentives to attract businesses
The Open Quarter Final motion: s This house would pardon all deserters at the end of major war campaigns.
The Open Semi Final motion: This house, as the UN, would facilitate independence referendums when requested by semi-autonomous regions
The Open Semi Final motion: In post-conflict societies, This House prefers the creation of art wiThis House an inspirational and unifying message over art that depicts the prior or current suffering.
The Open Final motion: “You are presented wiThis House a choice before you are born. You can be born into this world, or you can be born into a world without any religion or spirituality. Regardless of your choice, once born, you will not remember having made such a choice. This House Would choose to be born in a world without religion”
The Open Final motion: This house supports the creation of charter cities in developing nations. (Infoslide: “Charter Cities” are tracts of uninhabited land set aside by host nations that would be semi-autonomous and administered by a developing third-party government. Citizens of the host nation could move in and out as they so desire. In recent years, Honduras has explored the option of establishing a charter city administered by the Canadian government.)

Hey, my name is Peter and I’m the author of this website and all the content on this page. I have been a debater, a debate trainer, debate tournament organizer and everything else with a debate prefix for more than 10 years and I’ve seen it all. I want to help everyone to be a better debater and if you want to help too, please let me know. Keep on debating!