Pan American Debating Championships 2019
This was a debate tournament in the British Parliamentary debate format, the Pan American Debating Championships 2019 was held (or started on) 4/1/2019. I tried to write down all the motions from all the rounds, but if any of them are missing or are wrong, please contact me and I will change them.
Here are the motions:
Round 1: This House Believes That Brazil should fully privatize Petrobras / ECCQ Brasil debería privatizar por completo Petrobras
Round 2: This House Believes That that Western countries should revoke the citizenship of individuals that traveled to the Middle East to join Jihadi groups, even if they were minors at the time of their departure / ECCQ los países occidentales deberían revocar la ciudadanía a los individuos que se trasladaron a Medio Oriente para integrarse a grupos Jihadistas , incluso si eran menores de edad al momento de su translado
Round 3: This House Supports state attempts to help their citizens find and sustain love (e.g. subsidizing subscriptions to matching agencies such as, significant funding for research on what makes a relationship last, creating courses on how to woo and keep a spouse) / EC apoya que el estado busque ayudar a sus ciudadanos a encontrar y mantener el amor (ej. Subsidiando suscripciones a sitios de citas como, financiando significativamente investigaciones sobre cómo hacer que una relación perdure, creando cursos sobre cómo sorprender y conservar a tu pareja)
Round 4: This House Believes That major awards of meritocratic distinction (e.g. the Nobel Prize, the Pulitzer Prize, Oscars, etc) should include a moral clause* *a provision that allows the honoree to receive, or hold, the award only in the case they meet a behavioral standard set by the awarding panel. / ECCQ los principales premios de reconocimiento al mérito (Ej. Premio Nobel, Premio Pulitzer, Oscar’s, etc.) deberían incluir una cláusula moral* *una condición que permite al homenajeado recibirlo y conservarlo únicamente cuando cumplan con un estándar de comportamiento establecido por el jurado calificador.
Round 5: This House Believes That developing countries should pursue the establishment of charter cities / ECCQ los países en vía de desarrollo deberían establecer ciudades chárter
Round 6: This House Believes That the general educational approach in schools should be to discourage children from assessing their achievements in comparison to their peers. / ECCQ el enfoque general de la educación en los colegios debe ser desincentivar que los niños midan sus logros comparándolos con los de sus pares.
Round 7: In countries with proportional representation, This House Supports founding political parties that exclusively represents women’s interests / En países con representación proporcional, EC apoya la creación de partidos políticos que representan exclusivamente los intereses de las mujeres.
Open Semi Final Motion: This House Would prohibit businesses from adopting a public position on social justice issues (e.g. LGBTQIA+, racial relations, abortion, etc)
Open Final Motion: This House Supports countries granting rights to nature
Spanish_Quarters EC preferiría unirse al Club de los 27 que vivir una vida anónima promedio.
Spanish_Semi En casos en que un funcionario público sea acusado de corrupción, EC reduciría el estándar probatorio al del “balance de probabilidades”* en vez del de la “duda razonable”.
Spanish_Final ECCQ el involucramientode Estados Unidos en Panama (presencia militar, influencia cultural, relaciones economicas estrechas, etc) beneficia a los panamenos.

Hey, my name is Peter and I’m the author of this website and all the content on this page. I have been a debater, a debate trainer, debate tournament organizer and everything else with a debate prefix for more than 10 years and I’ve seen it all. I want to help everyone to be a better debater and if you want to help too, please let me know. Keep on debating!