Cambridge IV 2019
This was a debate tournament in the British Parliamentary debate format, the Cambridge IV 2019 was held (or started on) 5/11/2019. I tried to write down all the motions from all the rounds, but if any of them are missing or are wrong, please contact me and I will change them.
Here are the motions:
Round 1: This House Would expel states which fail to spend a minimum of 2% of GDP on defence from NATO.
Round 2: This House Believes that feminist movements in the developing world should integrate religious messages and institutions into their advocacy, rather than distancing themselves from them.
Round 3: This House Believes That the West should massively discourage and disincentivise economic collaboration and exchange with China.
Round 4: This House Would raise their child to prefer to be single.
Round 5: This House Believes That the democratic nominee should commit to abolishing ICE
ESL_Semi This House Believes That it is in the interest of the Russian Federation for Vladimir Putin to run for a fifth term as President in 2024.
ESL_Final This House prefers technocracy to democracy.
Open Quarter Final Motion: This House Believes That it is in the interest of the Russian Federation for Vladimir Putin to run for a fifth term as President in 2024.
Open Semi Final Motion: This House prefers technocracy to democracy.
Open Final Motion: This House Believes That Palestinians should prioritise striving to consolidate a Palestinian state in the Westbank and the Gaza Strip as opposed to seeking the right to return to Israel.

Hey, my name is Peter and I’m the author of this website and all the content on this page. I have been a debater, a debate trainer, debate tournament organizer and everything else with a debate prefix for more than 10 years and I’ve seen it all. I want to help everyone to be a better debater and if you want to help too, please let me know. Keep on debating!