Only today, Two Books for the price of one! Get it now!
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I’ve told you already everything about this e-book. But, if you buy it today, you will receive this book (The debaters cheat sheet on Human Rights) AND only today, you will receive The Big Book of Debate Motions for NO EXTRA COST!
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Two e-books for the price of ONE! Get it while the offer lasts!
Can be read on mobile devices!
Prepare for biggest tournaments!
More than 40 pages of specific content FOR debaters.
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DO NOT buy this book if:
You don’t want to WIN more debates
You don’t want to be a better debater.
You don’t want to advance!
Debaters, that allready have this book, have said:
I love debating, but knowing everything is just too much. This book goes with me to every tournament, and if there is a Human Rights motion, I whip it out, and win 😀
Finally, a book that has specific examples and explanations that are always used in debates. I’ve often heard about something and was not able to reply because I had no idea what it is. Now I finally know what was the Armenian Genocide and won a debate about it.
Every page is written for debaters, I’m able to use every part of this book. Can’t wait for the next one on Democracy and politics.
NOW is the time for you to buy this E-book!
Here all the chapters from the book
What are human rights?
Who has the responsibility to protect human rights?
What kinds of human rights are there?
Chapter 2: International human rights instruments
What are international human rights instruments?
What are the core international human rights instruments (treaties)?
Chapter 3: International courts and tribunals
What is the role of international courts and tribunals in protecting human rights?
What are the most prominent international judicial bodies?
Chapter 4: Several important human rights
What is the right to life?
What debate issues concern the right to life?
What is the right to equality?
What debate issues concern the right to equality?
What is the right to privacy?
What debate issues concern the right to privacy?
What is freedom of expression?
What debate issues concern the right to privacy?
What is freedom of choice?
What debate issues concern freedom of choice?
Chapter 5: Debates and arguments about human rights
* Death Penalty *
* Abortion *
* Euthanasia *
* Affirmative action *
* Mass surveillance *
* Children’s privacy *
* Hate speech *
* Journalistic sources *
* Prostitution, alcohol, tobacco, drugs *
Chapter 6: Most prominent human rights violations from around the world
Armenian Genocide
Bosnian Genocide
Child Slavery in the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA)
Migrant workers in Qatar
Indigenous peoples of Australia and the Americas
Rwandan Genocide
Sexual slavery in the modern era
World War II
Chapter 7: Practice debate motions on human rights
Freedom of choice
Freedom of expression
Gender equality
Freedom of movement
LGBTQI rights
Right to life
Social and economic security