Shanghai International Debate Open
Are you looking for the motions that were debated on the Shanghai International Debate Open ? It was held on the 3/30/2018. If you were there, please check the motions and tell me if anything is wrong. Also, leave a comment and tell us how did you enjoy the tournament.
Here are the motions:
Round 1 motion: This House Believes That states should not prosecute members of terrorist organisations (e.g. ISIS, Al-Qaeda) who surrender to those states.
Round 2: This House Would anonymize the funding, display, and sale of art
Round 3: THW, as a billionaire who opposes Artificial Intelligence, fund violent and destructive action against companies that aim to create strong Artificial Intelligence
Round 4: This House Believes That NATO should end all political, economic, and military support for the Russian Commonwealth.
Round 5: This House Would ban religious institutions from asking for donations from their followers.
Round 6: This House Believes That former colonial powers should drastically increase the number of immigrants from their ex-colonies.
Novice_Quarter Countries wiThis House declining populations should abandon policies that aim to increase the birThis House rate (ex. incentivising citizens to marry and have children)
Novice_Semi This House Believes That environmental advocacy groups should prioritise individual-centric actions (e.g. recycling, not eating meat etc.) at the expense of policy-level changes
Novice final motion: This House Believes That WLDs should introduce ‘youthocratic’ voting.
Open_Octos This House Believes That states without the deaThis House penalty should never extradite individuals to countries where they may face the deaThis House penalty (info slide: extradition)
The Open Quarter Final motion: s This House Believes That the IMF should not make financial support conditional on recipient states adopting austerity measures
Open Semi Final: This house, as a parent, would teach their female children to adopt traditionally masculine personality traits (e.g. self-promotion, assertiveness)
The Open Final motion: THR the glorification of hard work

Hey, my name is Peter and I’m the author of this website and all the content on this page. I have been a debater, a debate trainer, debate tournament organizer and everything else with a debate prefix for more than 10 years and I’ve seen it all. I want to help everyone to be a better debater and if you want to help too, please let me know. Keep on debating!