New Zealand BP Debating Championships 2019
This was a debate tournament in the British Parliamentary debate format, the New Zealand BP Debating Championships 2019 was held (or started on) 11/1/2019. I tried to write down all the motions from all the rounds, but if any of them are missing or are wrong, please contact me and I will change them.
Here are the motions:
Round 1: This house believes that hacking is a legitimate form of protest against large corporations.
Round 2: This house regrets films and television shows that glorify gang culture.
Round 3: This house believes that states should not attempt to regulate digital currencies like bitcoin.
Round 4: This house supports the right of fiction authors to use a pseudonym and/or remain anonymous.
Round 5: This house believes that environmental movements should support climate engineering that fundamentally alters the environment in an attempt to combat global warming.
Open Semi Final Motion: In emerging democracies, this house would break up persistently dominant political parties.
Open Final Motion: This house believes that feminist organisations should not criticize female politicians for their views on women’s issues.
Hey, my name is Peter and I’m the author of this website and all the content on this page. I have been a debater, a debate trainer, debate tournament organizer and everything else with a debate prefix for more than 10 years and I’ve seen it all. I want to help everyone to be a better debater and if you want to help too, please let me know. Keep on debating!