WUDC 2015 Malaysia Worlds
The World Universities Debating Championship 2015 was held in Malaysia this year, and it was a good one. No big problems like we had in the past, and a lot of great debates. Check out the motions from the WUDC 2015 and tell us what you think about them in the comments.
Round 1: This House regrets the decline of tightly integrated families.
Round 2: Infoslide: Climate engineering is a deliberate and large-scale intervention in earth’s climatic system in an effort to combat Global Warming. Climate engineering may take many forms; Examples include, but are not limited to, planting large forests where none previously existed, fertilizing the ocean with iron to dramatically increase the population of algae, and increasing cloud coverage so less sunlight reaches earth’s suface. Motion: This house believes that environmental movements should support climate engineering that fundamentally alters the environment, in an attempt to combat Global Warming.
Round 3: This House believes that in areas of socio-economic deprivation, schools should train students in vocational skills to the exclusion of the Liberal Arts.
Round 4: This House would prohibit the media from reporting on the mental illness of those accused of crimes.
Round 5: This House belives that the international community should cut off internet access in Syria.
Round 6: This House belives that developing countries should adopt economic development policies that heavily disincentivise urbanisation.
Round 7: Infoslide: Over the last decade, scientists have identified a range of chemicals that exist naturally in the brain and shape individuals’ moral behaviour. Significant amounts of research is now being carried out to create “moral enhancement drugs”, which would alter the levels of such chemicals. Such drugs have been shown to increase individuals’ tendencies to display empathy and care for others, to behave in altruistic way, and to resist pressures to act in ways that violate their personal ethical beliefs. Motion: This House would ban the research and production of moral enhancement drugs.
Round 8: This House believes that the United States and the European Union should seek to promote peace by heavily subsidising Israeli businesses who invest in the Palestinian territories.
Round 9: This House, as a medical professional employed by the United States military or security services, would, and would encourage others, to refuse orders to provide medical treatment to individuals undergoing “Enhanced Interrogation Techniques”.
Open partial double octofinals: This house would allow corporations to use hackers to retaliate against cyberattacks where the state seems unwilling or unable to do so.
Open Octofinals: This house believes that disadvantaged groups should emphasise their conformity with, rather than distictiveness from dominant culture; as a strategy for improving their social position.
Open Quarterfinals: This house regrets the decline of secular pan-Arab nationalism.
Open Semifinals: This house believes that all states should create special economic zones in cities, where all economic activities (except the purchase of goods and services) are carried out by women.
Open Finals: This house believes that humanitarian organisations should and should be allowed to give funding, resources or services ti illegal armed groups when this is made a condition for access to vulnerable civilians.
ESL Finals: This house believes that liberal democracies that overthrow the governments of other states should impose power sharing even when this overrides or delays democratic representation.
ESL Semifinals: This house would severely limit companies ability to replace workers with technology
ESL Quarterfilans: The broken windows theory describes the concept that substantial amounts of petty crime create that increase major crime. Many jurisdictions, including most famously New York State, have introduced policing policies in response; and respond to areas of high crime with substantial increase in police presence, arrest and prosecution rates for petty crime and harsher punishments. Motion: This house believes that the African-American community should oppose “broken windows policies”
EFL Semifinals: This house would ban its citizens from visiting iliberal states whose economies depend on tourism.

Hey, my name is Peter and I’m the author of this website and all the content on this page. I have been a debater, a debate trainer, debate tournament organizer and everything else with a debate prefix for more than 10 years and I’ve seen it all. I want to help everyone to be a better debater and if you want to help too, please let me know. Keep on debating!