WUDC 2014 Chennai motions
Round 1: This house believes that the United States of America should fund moderate Madrassas (schools of Islamic study) throughout the Islamic world
Round 2: This house would allow first-time offenders to, with the consent of the victims, pay compensation to them in place of a prison sentence
Round 3: This house regrets the rise of a ‘hookup culture’ (one which accepts and encourages casual sexual encounters focused on physical pleasure, without necessarily including emotional bonding)
Round 4: This house believes that developing countries should ban members of political dynasties from standing for elected office
Round 5: This house believes that the Trans-Pacific Partnership is in the interests of the small and medium-sized negotiating countries. Info slide:
– A number of countries are currently negotiating to establish the world’s largest free trade area by comprehensively liberalising trade in the Asia-Pacific region.
– This proposed agreement, known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), would include the following countries: United States, Japan, Australia, Vietnam, Mexico, Chile, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, New Zeland, Peru and Brunei.
– China is NOT included in these negotiations.
Round 6: This house would make the receipt of welfare payments to raise children conditional on the use of long-term, but reversible, contraception
Round 7: This house believes that government agencies that regulate drugs should only test whether a drug is safe, not whether it is effective, before approving it for public use. Info slide: Generally, government agencies, responsible for regulating drugs (for example the Food and Drug Administration, or the European Medicines Agency) rewuire that a new drug pass two different tests before being approved for public use. These seperate tests asses whether a drug is:
– First, “safe”, does the drug pose an unacceptable health risk?
– Second, “effective”, does the drug do what it claims to do?
Round 8: This house believes that NATO should unconditionally offer membership to the states of the former Soviet Union, excluding Russia
Round 9: This house regrets the commodification of indigenous cultures
EFL Semi-Finals This house believes that the gay rights movement should abandon the claim that sexuality is not a choice
EFL Final This house believes that multinational companies should be liable for human rights abuses that occur anywhere in their supply chain
ESL Quarter-Finals This house would remove all copyright protection for material deemed to be morally objectionable
ESL Semi-Finals This house believes that Pope Francis should publicly encourage Catholics to support radically redistributive government policies
ESL Grand Final This house would allow countries to pay other countries to settle asylum-seekers who reach their borders
Open Partial Double Octo-Finals This house would abolish gated communities in the developing world
Open Octo-Finals This house believes that Japan should shame its soldiers who participated in WWII, including those who did not commit war crimes themselves
Open Quarter-Finals This house would auction off the long-term right to govern bankrupt cities for profit
Open Semi-Finals This house believes that women should reject practices that alter the appearance of their genitalia, such as waxing and labiaplasty
Open Grand Final: This house believes that India should adoptaggressive free market policies.
Masters’ Round 1 This house believes that the feminist movement should actively fight to liberate men from their prescribed gender roles
Masters’ Round 2 This house would redraw the borders of Africa
Masters’ Grand Final: This House would never categorize people on their race.
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