Karachi Debate Open
The debate tournament called “Karachi Debate Open” was held on the 9/5/2020. You can find all the debate topics that were debated in the tournament in this article. If you are looking for the results, please check the category Other debate tournament results.
Here are the motions:
Debate motion for round 1: That we regret the culture of fearing death
Debate motion for round 1: That, as a promising university graduate, we should opt to make the largest amount of money possible and donate it to charities instead of directly working in social fields.
Debate motion for round 1: That we would not publish this information
Round 2: That liberal supreme court s should misinterpret the constitution to advance civil rights
Round 2: That the LGBTQ+ movement should not allow police officers at pride events (such as the pride march).
Round 2: That, as the queer (LGBTQIA+) community, we would reject the ‘born this way’ narrative.
Round 3: That curricula in post-colonial states should focus on locally-authored literature, to the absolute exclusion of ‘great work’ such as Shakespeare.
Round 3: That we should implement a Mastery Learning framework at all levels of education
Round 3: TH, as an educational institution, would prohibit all sports programs that pose a risk of CTE.
Round 4: That we would ban the short selling of shares
Round 4: That we prefer a world where cooperatives (employee owned businesses) were the norm.
Round 4: That local communities should be able to cap the number of tourists that enter their region over a specific period of time.
Round 5: That we regret Hamilton
Round 5: That we would ban Microtransactions in video games
Round 5: That we regret the rise of True Crime entertainment (e.g Making A Murderer, Serial, Tiger King, The Jinx etc.).
Novice_Semi: That we prefer Facebook’s policy of only removing content that users report as compared to a policy where Facebook itself independently determines restrictions on content.
Novice_Semi: That we regret the rise of influencers
Novice_Semi: That we prefer a world where the internet never existed
Novice_Final: That we regret the decline of secular Pan-Arab nationalism
Novice_Final: That the African Union should pivot toward the global East rather than the global West.
Novice_Final: That, as Imran Khan, we would issue a public apology for 1971 to Bangladesh
Open_Octa: That as established feminist artists, we should systematically produce art and media that actively ridicules heroic masculine archetypes
Open_Octa: That as the Global Feminist Movement we would support anti-capitalist movements (Occupy Wallstreet etc)
Open_Octa: That microfinance organizations offering loans in developing countries should offer them exclusively to women
Open_Quarter: That, assuming Personal Protective Equipment is sufficiently available, medical workers during a pandemic should have the right to opt out of service.
Open_Quarter: That we would aggressively and competitively fund CRISPR
Open_Quarter: That in times of a global pandemic, standard research ethics should be suspended as long as the subject consents.
Open_Semi: That we regret the fall of the Societ Union
Open_Semi: That Student Unions should not take political positions that do not directly pertain to tertiary education.
Open_Semi: That, as a lifelong Republican, we would vote for Joe Biden

Hey, my name is Peter and I’m the author of this website and all the content on this page. I have been a debater, a debate trainer, debate tournament organizer and everything else with a debate prefix for more than 10 years and I’ve seen it all. I want to help everyone to be a better debater and if you want to help too, please let me know. Keep on debating!