Debate Motions Headquarters

World University Debate Championship Stellenbosch 2003

Final This house believes that the world has learned nothing from 9/11
Semi-Final This house believes that globalization is imperialism repackaged
Quarter Final This house believes in the absolute right of the patient
Octo Final This house believes that tobacco companies should have social responsibilities
Round 1 This house fears an expanded Europe.
Round 2 This house would return land to its original owners
Round 3 This house believes that AIDS drugs should be freely available to all
Round 4 This house believes that the media is the West’s most effective weapon
Round 5 This house believes that harmony is more important than diversity
Round 6 This house believes that environmentalism in the Third World is the responsibility of the First World
Round 7 This house believes that the West should accept the democratic decision of the people of Zimbabwe
Round 8 This house believes that the US should be answerable to TRCs [Truth & Reconciliation Commissions] in South America.
Round 9 This house believes that Sharon should stand with Milosevic

ESL Final This House would make population control a pre-requisite of aid.
ESL Semi This house supports Compulsory Military Service

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