Debate Motions Headquarters

World University Debate Championship MANILA 99

First Rounds
1. This house supports the bombing of Iraq.
2. This house believes globalization marginalises the poor.
3. This house believes the father should be present at conception.
4. This house believes ASEAN should rally behind Anwar.
5. This house believes art should be free from censorship.
6. This house believes democracy is the best way forward for Russia.
7. This house believes religious leaders should listen to opinion polls.
8. This house would rehabilitate criminals.
9. This house believes that federalism will not work for europe
Octo Final: This house believes that old dictators should not have to face the music
Qtr Final: This house believes that Media is more Powerful than the Government
Semi Final: This House would get US bases out of Asia
Final: This house believes Nethanyahu is the biggest obstacle to peace in Israel

Final: This house believes that a celibate priest is an unhappy priest
Semi-Finals: This House believes that Child Labour is necessary in developing countries
First Round: This house would support global nuclear disarmament

Public Speaking:
Long live the adjudicators
From the original recepie to extra crispy
Fish & Chips
The adventure of coach commando
Sex- a deadly weapon
Its a jungle out there
True love is another myth
Writing in the snow
Pick-up lines at a sushi bar
We want rice with that

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