Debate Motions Headquarters

Borneo Online Debate Championship

The debate tournament called “Borneo Online Debate Championship” was held on the 7/10/2020. You can find all the debate topics that were debated in the tournament in this article. If you are looking for the results, please check the category Other debate tournament results.

Here are the motions:

1 THBT Queer movements in the developing world Should attempt to dissociate themselves from modern Queer movements in the west
2 As the resistance group, THW accept the offer
3 THR the use of nostalgia in political campaigning
4 THO the demonization of dark humour / comedy
Novice2_Final THR the Heroisation of Covid-19 Frontliners.
Novice_Final As an Asian parent, THW teach their child to actively reject the ‘humble culture”
Open_Semi THBT the GNA and its allies should abandon any attempts at peace negotiations and continue its current push against the LNA
Open_Final THS Black rights movements in the West’s strategy of actively campaigning to defund the police instead of pushing for institutional reforms

5/5 (2 Reviews)
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