Debate Motions Headquarters

Yorkshire Novice Cup

The Yorkshire Novice Cup was held on 23 November 2014, in Hull, UK

Round 1: This House would replace all sin taxes with an increase in income tax Info slide: Sin taes are taxes above VAT, levied on goods considered to be unhealthy such as alcohol and tobacco
Round 2: This House believes that the EU should issue a directive to all its member states to legalise gay marriage. Info slide: An EU Directive is a non-binding requirement passed to EU member states to enforce a policy within a certain time frame. Not fulfilling this requirement will lead to heavy financial penalties.
Round 3: This House would abolish all non-comprehensive schools and require children to attend their geographically closest school.
Round 4: This House believes that sexually assertive female pop stars identifying as feminists is harmful for feminism.
Final: This House believes that Western nations should not attend sporting events in countries with bad human rights records

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