Debate Motions Headquarters

Westminster Open 2014

This debate tournament was held between December 6th and 7th 2014. If you look through the motions that were debated, you can see there are a couple of complicated motions, some of them needed an info slide, but most of them were something new and interesting. Here are the motions:

Round 1: This house would base monetary criminal fines primarily on the income of the perpetrator rather than the severity of the crime
Round 2: This house believes that the EU should abandon its commitment to the principle of open borders between member states.
Round 3 info video: (1:10 to 2:00)
Round 3: This house believes that feminists should support the HeForShe movement.
Round 4 info slide: The Association of South East Asian Nations (also known as ASEAN) consists of the following countries; Malaysia, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Its aim is to accelerate economic growth, social progress and peace and stability within the region. Motion: This house believes it is in ASEAN’s long term best interests to seek closer ties with China rather than the U.S.A.
Round 5 info slide: John Lennon freely admitted in multiple interviews to committing acts of domestic abuse. Jimmy Page has admitted on multiple occasions that he was in a relationship with a 14 year old girl. Motion: This house believes that the music press should aggressively negatively depict the work of artists, such as John Lennon and Jimmy Page who commit morally reprehensible acts.
Novice Final info slide: To proselytise is to induce someone to convert to one’s own religious faith. Novice Final Motion: This house would ban religious charities from proselytising in the developing world.
Semi-Final: This house supports the decision of pop stars such as Lily Allen and Adele to not take part in Band Aid
Final: This house would grant an amnesty to those who commit crimes during US race riots so long as they meet the following criteria: 1. They were motivated by a desire to fight social injustice 2. If property is targeted, it belongs to the aparatus of the state (for example, police cares and government buildings

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