Debate Motions Headquarters

Random debate topics by Tuna

This list of the debate topics was provided by the University of Vermont debate trainer Alfred C. Snider on the IDAS 2007 CD. Im publishing it to give you insight into what other topics you can use. Thanks Tuna.

This house would abolish student Grants

This house believes that the Olympic ideal is dead

This house favors compusory aids testing

This house favors genetic engineering

This house would give Russia back to the Communists

This house would permit Gay couples to adopt

This house believes that the private lives of public figures should remain private

This house would genetically engineer farm animals

This house believes that democracy has failed the third world

This house would ban boxing

This house would support the public funding of political parties

This house would legalize soft drugs

This house has lost confidence in the Catholic Church

This house believes that the values of western cicilization cannot meet the challenges of the mored age

Thois house demands a right to privacy 

This house believes that women should get an equal position in war with men

This house believes that genetic engineering triggers more harm than good 

This house believes that morals and science do not mix

This house will practice direct democracy

This house believes that we should be our own censors

This house believes that TV does more harm than good


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