Debate Motions Headquarters

British parliamentary debate – roles of the speakers

In British parliamentary debate there are different kinds of motions. If you understand the difference between these motions, you understand how you should create arguments and how the roles of the speakers change.

Open motions

Open motions are motions that ask for definitions. The motion only guides you into the general topic that you should speak about. You as the government have to define the topic. Here is a example of an open motion:

This house believes that coke is the thing!

This debate motion allows you to debate the Use of cocaine, The use of Coca Cola, You can speak about how the spread of popular culture impacts people around the world, You can speak about how the globalisation impacted peoples lives, etc.

You should not be too creative and just make up whatever, stick to the general idea that the organisers had in mind with the open motion. Open motions are seen less and less.

Semi Closed Motions

This house would send the boats back

Here you can talk about the immigration in the US, about the slavery, or about the immigration in the EU, but you can also talk about the fishing rights or about whale fishing.

Closed motions

Here are the examples on what to debate if you get a closed motion:

This house believes that the government has failed. You have to talk about a policy that a government has created and how it failed.

 Now that we understand what is the motion about, here are the roles that you have to fulfill on different positions in the British Parliamentary debate format.

Roles of each team/speaker:

First Table:

1.      Government:

Prime minister:

Deputy prime minister:


1.      Opposition:

Leader of opposition:

Deputy leader of opposition:

Second Table:


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