Debate Motions Headquarters

European University Debate Championship Berlin 2006

R1 TTHW abolish the international criminal court
R2 TTHB that gender reassignment surgery should be included in state funded medical care
R3 TTHB that governments should block the foreign takeover of important companies
R4 TTHW ban the use of evidence acquired from countries which practice torture.
R5 TTHW ban all religious involvement in schools
R6 TTHW remove the right to refuse medically necessary treatments
ESL Semis TTHW allow insurance companies to consider the results of genetic tests in asessing potential customers
ESL Finals TTHW destroy the artifacts of fallen oppressive regimes
Quarters That this house would take cult members into psychiatric care 
Semifinals THW grant an automatic right of asylum to women trafficked for prostitution
Finals TTHW allow companies to refuse to hire smokers
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