Debate Motions Headquarters

WSDA 2018 Kranjska Gora

Worlds Schools Debate Academy is an educational debate event organized by ZaInProti in Kranjska Gora Slovenia. It is a mixture of an educational event that lasts for 5 days and a weekend tournament, that host all the participants and is usually open for other debaters. It has a long-standing tradition of being one of the best-organized debate events in the World, as Bojana Skrt and her team make everything great.

Here are the motions from this years WSDA 2018:

Round 1: This House would limit media coverage of mass shootings.
Round 2: This House believes that liberal democracies should ban far-right parties.
Round 3: This house prefers Asian Values to Western liberalism. (Prepared)
Round 4: This House believes that women should not wear high hills.
Round 5: This House believes that all the workers should be granted the ownership of the company they work for.
Quarter Finals: This House believes that governments in the developing world should limit migration to megacities.
Semi Finals: This House would allow individuals to sue the government when the government has failed to provide a basic standard of living. (Prepared)
Finals: This house prefers Asian Values to Western liberalism. (Prepared)

2.1/5 (9 Reviews)
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