Debate Motions Headquarters

HWS IV 2018

Are you looking for the motions that were debated on the HWS IV 2018 ? It was held on the 9/28/2018. If you were there, please check the motions and tell me if anything is wrong. Also, leave a comment and tell us how did you enjoy the tournament.

Here are the motions:

Round 1 motion: This House would consider politicians under oaThis House when making public statements on political issues* (* thus making them criminally liable for perjury if they lie about facts)
Round 2: In countries where compulsory military service for men exists, this House believes that feminists should advocate for the conscription of women
Round 3: This House believes that the LGBT movement should embrace the message that sexuality is a choice
Round 4: This House believes that United States foreign policy should seek to significantly restrict Iran’s influence over Syria
Round 5: This House opposes Consumerist Culture* (*Consumerist Culture is a culture where consistently purchasing goods is expected and considered a marker of social status)
Round 6: This House believes that in Western states wiThis House high rates of unemployment the state should act as an employer of last resort (i.e. the state should directly employ people who are unable to find a job elsewhere)
Novice_Semis This House would allow communities to reduce the amount of policing employed within their neighborhoods
Novice final motion: This House would allow the creation of Savior Siblings* (*a child who is born for the purpose of providing an organ or cell transplant to a sibling who is affected wiThis House a fatal disease)
The Open Quarter Final motion: s This House would allow individuals to sue religious institutions in their community for propagating beliefs that cause them significant harm
The Open Semi Final motion: This House believes that the Obama administration should have prioritized affordable tertiary education over affordable healthcare
The Open Final motion: This House believes that the state should curb assortative mating* (*the phenomenon of people primarily entering relationships and building families wiThis House those of similar social and economic characteristics)

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