Debate Motions Headquarters

Cross-DebSoc Pre-ABP Tournament 2020

The debate tournament called “Cross-DebSoc Pre-ABP Tournament 2020” was held on the 8/21/2020. You can find all the debate topics that were debated in the tournament in this article. If you are looking for the results, please check the category Other debate tournament results.

Here are the motions:

1 THW deprioritize the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccines to those who contravene public health protocol (eg: spreading false rumours about COVID, refusing to wear a mask)
2 THS the “Free School”Philosophy
3 THW, as Lebanon, welcome significantly greater French influence over its domestic affairs (e.g. political-constitutional arrangements, economic policies etc.)
4 THO all media and literature that romanticizes mental illness
5 THBT feminists should adopt “call-in” instead of “call-out” as their dominant strategy.
Open_Quarter THS local movements in Asia adopting western terminology and strategies to push the cause forward
Open_Semi THW, as the Democratic National Convention, support the Make Billionaires Pay Tax.
Open_Final Assuming the technology was available, THW allow people to erase specific memories of their choice from existence.

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