Debate Motions Headquarters

Cork IV 2013

Round 1: This house believes that once artists earn enough to constitute a comfortable wage, they have a duty to make their work freely available
Round 2: This house believes that Libya should repeal its ban on senior members of the Gaddaffi Regime (military and civil) from holding positions in government
Round 3: This house would force violent offenders to undergo theLudovico technique
Round 4: This house believes that developing countries should use policies such as permits to restrict rural to urban migration
Round 5: This house would allow Pro-Life organisations to pay women currently considering having an abortion to carry the pregnancy to term
Semi and Novice Final: This house supports the actions of Anonymous and other such vigilante groups
Final: Assuming you would not be found out, in the event of a terrorist attack on US soil, committed by Islamist extremists This house would fabricate evidence that attack was committed by dominant ethnic and socio-economic group, e.g. white Anglo-Saxons

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